Table of contain

Linux Commands

Navigating the Linux terminal is an essential requirement when using software such as ROS and Gazebo. Since most development is done using the terminal, it is important to know and understand the following basic commands.

<aside> 💡 Basic Linux Commands


Command Description
ls List all files
cd change directories (e.g. cd Documents)
cd .. Goes back a directory
cd ~ Returns to home directory
pwd print working directory
mkdir make directory (e.g. mkdir newDirectory)
chmod +x make a file executable

Linux Environment Packages

There are also essential installations/updates that anyone following the guide would want to consider installing.

<aside> 💡 Install/update the following


Install Description
sudo apt update updates apt
sudo apt install git installs git tool
sudo apt install vim vim is an in terminal text editor


Vim is another consideration for people working in the terminal. Although less user friendly than other text editors, it can be a convenient tool other than working with an editor. For more information on Vim we strongly recommend looking at the online documentation. Below are a list of some (but not all) of the most important commands.

<aside> 💡 VIM Commands


Arrow keys To move up and down in the script, use arrow keys
i to insert text
esc often used to escape from insert mode (i)
:q! quit without saving
:wq quit with saving

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