1- Set up the environment variables. In the terminal, navigate to the agileX_gazebo_ws folder and run

cd agileX_gazebo_ws
source devel/setup.bash

2- To visualize the Bunker V2 model in Rviz, execute:

roslaunch bunker_description display_urdf.launch

Screencast from 08-02-2023 01:02:46 PM.webm

3-Start the gazebo simulation environment of Bunker ****

roslaunch bunker_gazebo_sim bunker_gazebo_sim.launch

Screencast from 08-02-2023 01:06:47 PM.webm

4- Control Bunker

Control by keyboard, the scout2.0 and scout_mini can be controlled to move forward, left, right and backward through "i", "j", "l",and "," on the keyboard

rosrun teleop_twist_keyboard teleop_twist_keyboard.py

Screencast from 08-02-2023 01:08:25 PM.webm