SCOUT MINI provides CAN interfaces for customization and development. Users can send command to control the chassis through the CAN interface.

Table of Contents

CAN cable connection

SCOUT MINI provides an aviation plugs as shown in Picture 3.2, the definitions of the wire are Yellow to CANH and Blue to CANL

<aside> 💡 Note: There is only the rear external extension interface available for the current SCOUT MINI version and it is able to provide up to 5A current.



Figure 3.2 Schematic diagram of aviation plug male connector.

Implementation of CAN command control

Power on SCOUT MINI and turn on the remote control, put the SWB switch to the top position to enable command control mode, so that SCOUT MINI would receive the data from the CAN interface, the host computer is able to receive the current status of the chassis with the can interface, please refer to the CAN protocol as below for detail.

CAN protocol

SCOUT MINI adopts CAN2.0B communication standard which has a communication baud rate of 500K and Motorola message format. Via external CAN bus interface, the moving linear speed and the rotational angular speed of chassis can be controlled; SCOUT MINI will feedback the current motion status information, SCOUT MINI chassis status information, etc. The protocol includes system status feedback frame, movement control feedback frame and control frame, the contents are shown as follows:

The system status feedback command includes the feedback information about current status of chassis, control mode status, battery voltage and system failure. The description is given in Table 3.1.

1. System Status Feedback Command

Table 3.1 SCOUT MINI Chassis Status Feedback Frame




2. Description of Failure Information

Table 3.2 Description of Failure Information


[1]: It is available for V1.2.8 version or later, firmware upgrade is necessary for previous version. [2]: The buzzer will sound when the battery low-voltage warning, but the chassis is still controllable, and the power supply would be cut off when it comes to Low-voltage failure.