The environmental representation is the way the robot perceives its environment. It also acts as the central localization for various algorithms and data sources to combine their information into a single space. This space is then used by the controllers, planners, and recoveries to compute their tasks safely and efficiently.
The current environmental representation is a costmap. A costmap is a regular 2D grid of cells containing a cost from unknown, free, occupied, or inflated cost. This costmap is then searched to compute a global plan or sampled to compute local control efforts.
Various costmap layers are implemented as pluginlib plugins to buffer information into the costmap. This includes information from LIDAR, RADAR, sonar, depth images, etc. It may be wise to process sensor data before inputting it into the costmap layer, but that is up to the developer.
Costmap layers can be created to detect and track obstacles in the scene for collision avoidance using camera or depth sensors. Additionally, layers can be created to algorithmically change the underlying costmap based on some rule or heuristic. Finally, they may be used to buffer live data into the 2D or 3D world for binary obstacle marking.
Imagine, you’re annotating a map file (or any image file) in order to have a specific action occur based on the location in the annotated map. Examples of marking/annotating might be keep out zones to avoid planning inside or having pixels belonging to maximum speeds in marked areas. This annotated map is called a “filter mask”. Just like a mask overlaid on a surface, it can or cannot be the same size, pose and scale as a main map. The main goal of a filter mask - is to provide the ability to mark areas on maps with some additional features or behavioral changes.
Costmap filters are a costmap layer-based approach to applying spatial-dependent behavioral changes, annotated in filter masks, into the Nav2 stack. Costmap filters are implemented as costmap plugins. These plugins are called “filters” as they are filtering a costmap by spatial annotations marked on filter masks. In order to make a filtered costmap and change a robot’s behavior in annotated areas, the filter plugin reads the data coming from the filter mask. This data is linearly transformed into a feature map in a filter space. Having this transformed feature map along with a map/costmap, any sensor data and current robot coordinate filters can update the underlying costmap and change the behavior of the robot depending on where it is. For example, the following functionality could be made by use of costmap filters:
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