Robot Control Instructions with Xbox Controller


What is Gamepad?

Gamepad allows you to Teleoperation (teleop) with the Robot Operating System (ROS) over the internet involves controlling a robot or remote system from a different location, over the internet. This setup is common in scenarios where the operator cannot be physically present, such as remote inspections, telepresence, or research experiments.

<aside> 💡 Ensure that your Xbox controller is properly connected with your laptop, and you can confirm the connection by observing a green light on the "GamePad" page.



  1. L1 (Left Bumper): L1 is located on the top left side of the Xbox controller. It's a button positioned above the left trigger (LT).
  2. L3 (Left Stick Click): L3 refers to clicking the left analog stick (left thumbstick) inward. The left stick is located on the lower left side of the controller, and clicking it is a press down on the stick itself.
  3. R1 (Right Bumper): R1 is positioned on the top right side of the Xbox controller. It's a button situated above the right trigger (RT).
  4. R3 (Right Stick Click): R3 indicates clicking the right analog stick (right thumbstick) inward. The right stick is located on the lower right side of the controller, and clicking it is a press down on the stick itself.



Here are the instructions for moving your robot using an Xbox controller:

First, toggle the switch beside GamePad page to connect your Controller.

  1. Forward Movement:


  2. Backward Movement:


  3. Turn Right:


  4. Turn Left:


  5. Turbo Mode (Increase Speed):


  6. Slow Mode
