Welcome to the comprehensive guide for getting started with the AgileX LIMO robot! This guide serves as your roadmap to unlock the full potential of this innovative robotic platform, offering insights into its diverse functionalities and applications. From learning how to power up and charge the LIMO robot to exploring its various motion modes and drive capabilities, this guide equips you with the knowledge and know-how to navigate LIMO's features with confidence and ease. Whether you're a novice enthusiast, a seasoned developer, or an industry professional, this guide provides valuable insights and step-by-step instructions to harness the power of the LIMO robot for education, research, and product development endeavors. Get ready to embark on a journey of exploration and discovery with LIMO as your trusted companion!

Table Of Contents

1. How to start LIMO

Press and hold the button on side till it beeps. You will see LED lights turn on.

<aside> 💡 Watch this below video on how to start LIMO.



2. Battery

The parameters of battery are as follow:

Items Rated parameters
Typical capacity 10AH
Minimum capacity 10AH
Nominal voltage 11.1V
Charge cut-off voltage 12.6V
Discharge cut-off voltage 8.25V
Maximum continuous discharge current 10A



3. Charge LIMO

Charging precautions:

To ensure the safety and longevity of your battery, please take note of the following charging precautions:

Charger indicator light’s colour Charger status
Red Charging
Green flashing Almost fully charged
Green Fully charged

<aside> 💡 Watch this below video on how to charge the battery of LIMO.



4. Latch status and front indicator color


Latch status Color of light Current mode
Push down Yellow 4-wheel diff or Track
(Via mobile phone) Blue Mecanum wheel
Pull up Green Ackermann
Red Software shut down
Red flashing Low battery/Master control alarm