$\color{white}\colorbox{FE9227}{Small Steps, Big Dreams!}$

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Table of contents

Welcome to the world of LIMO! This page is your go-to guide for getting started with LIMO, the incredible robot distributed by Indro Robotics. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced enthusiast, this page will provide you with the essential information and resources to kickstart your journey with LIMO. From unboxing your LIMO to understanding its features and capabilities, we've got you covered. You'll learn how to power up LIMO, connect it to the necessary software, and get familiar with its controls. We'll also dive into the basics of LIMO's navigation and sensing systems, allowing you to explore its surroundings with confidence. So, if you're ready to embark on an exciting adventure with LIMO, this page will be your trusted companion. Let's dive in and get started on an incredible journey of robotics and exploration!

Unboxing LIMO


How to start LIMO

Press and hold the button on side till it beeps. You will see LED lights turn on.

<aside> 💡 Watch this below video on how to start LIMO.




The parameters of battery are as follow:

Items Rated parameters
Typical capacity 5200mAH
Minimum capacity 5000mAH
Nominal voltage 11.1V
Charge cut-off voltage 12.6V
Discharge cut-off voltage 8.25V
Maximum continuous discharge current 10A



Charge LIMO