$\color{white}\colorbox{FE9227}{Building a solid foundation and deepening understanding!}$

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This document provides instructions on how to start using the NAVIS system for controlling and scheduling robots. It includes requirements, equipment, and connection instructions, as well as a description of the functions available through the system. The NAVIS system can be accessed through a web browser and supports operating systems such as Mac, Linux, and Windows.

Table of Contents


<aside> 💡 In order to login to the Navis, the user will have to connect Navis to the robot. Navis is mainly made for Scout 2.0 so It is recommended from agileX to use it only on scout 2.0


Work and equipment:

  1. Default use of WIFI SSID & password information

<aside> 💡 Wifi name : NAVIS Password : 12345678


  1. Recommended computer system: Windows 8/10/11/Linux 18.04

  2. Browser requirements and recommendations:

    Browser Name Recommended Browser Version
    Google Chrome 108.0.5359.125 and above
    Microsoft Edge 108.0.5359.125 and above
    Firefox 108.0.2and above
  3. Open your favourite web browser and search for

  4. agile X web portal credentials

<aside> 💡 User name : agilex

Password : agilex12345


  1. Directly connected device network requirements: equipped with wireless network card or connected to device LAN.

Connect NAVIS to platform robot


