Limo ROS2 is a cutting-edge solution designed to streamline the development and deployment of robotic systems in diverse environments. Offering seamless integration with the Robot Operating System 2 (ROS2), Limo ROS2 empowers roboticists and developers with a comprehensive suite of tools and functionalities, facilitating efficient rob.ot control, communication, and coordination. With its robust architecture and advanced features, including support for multi-robot systems and real-time performance, Limo ROS2 enables rapid prototyping, testing, and deployment of complex robotic applications. Whether in industrial automation, autonomous vehicles, or service robotics, Limo ROS2 stands as a versatile and reliable platform to accelerate innovation and drive the future of robotics.


After getting LIMO

Welcome to the exciting world of LIMO! Congratulations on acquiring this cutting-edge robot distributed by InDro Robotics. Now that you have LIMO by your side, get ready to unlock a whole new realm of possibilities. The below steps are dedicated to guiding you through the incredible experiences and opportunities that come after getting LIMO. From exploring its advanced features to discovering its capabilities, you're about to embark on a remarkable journey of robotics and innovation. Whether you're a tech enthusiast, a curious learner, or an aspiring roboticist, LIMO offers endless potential for growth and exploration. So, fasten your seat-belt, charge up LIMO's batteries, and let's dive into the exciting world of possibilities that awaits you after getting LIMO!

<aside> 💡 Attention to all LIMO users, LIMO comes with this default username and password! LIMO Username: agilex LIMO login password: agx



Getting start



ROS Driver File

LiDAR Mapping

LiDAR Navigation

Visual mapping and navigation

Vision Module