
This guide provides instructions on how to start development with Unitree GO1 EDU quadruped. It is created based on Unitree’s documentations and Indro Robotics’ development experience. This is for developers who wants to jump start their development work, but does not contain all information needed for development. Please read Unitree’s original documentations before using this guide.

We have included the following content in this documentation:

  1. Robot system architecture - This introduces the communication mechanism of the robot. It gives the basic information for communicating with the electronic components on the robot.
  2. Network configuration - Explains how to configure the network to communicate with the robot.
  3. How to make the dog’s modem work with a 4G SIM card - This section covers instructions on how to communicate with the robot over a 4G network.
  4. How to test Unitree provided SDK package and developed program - This is an addition to Unitree’s original SDK instruction documentation. It gives more details on how to use Unitree’s SDK program, and hopefully gives inspiration on how to test your own developed programs.
  5. How to control the dog’s movement - This provides a detailed instruction on how to take advantage of Unitree’s SDK and example program to control movement.
  6. How to use the speaker on the dog - This teaches how to use the robot’s onboard speaker to play sound.
  7. How to get data from ultrasonic sensors - This teaches how to acquire the distance data from the three ultrasonic sensors built in the dog.
  8. How to get the stereo camera to work - This explains how to get image/video from the five sets camera built in the dog. It provided the commands that are needed and example code to help get the camera working.
  9. How to get depth video from the stereo camera - This section provides the commands needed to get the depth video from stereo camera.
  10. How to setup the dog With Indro-Backpack - this tells how to setup Indro-Backpack to work with robot dog, in both hardware and software aspects.
  11. How to use LiDAR with Go1 EDU robot dog - this is for users who purchased robot dog that comes with LiDAR.
  12. How to make ROS communicate between different computers - this helps resolve some base and common communication issues that you might have
  13. How to create a backup image for onboard computer - this tell you how to create a backup image for you onboard computer so you don’t need to worry about messing up original files/programs on your robot
  14. The end

Table Of Contents