Welcome to the comprehensive guide on integrating the AGILEX SCOUT 2.0 mobile robot platform with ROS (Robot Operating System). ROS, renowned for its robustness and versatility, offers standard operating system services, including hardware abstraction, low-level device control, and efficient inter-process messaging. The architecture of ROS, based on a graph structure, facilitates seamless communication and data exchange among different nodes, allowing for diverse functionalities like sensing, control, status monitoring, and planning.

Table of Contents

ROS provide some standard operating system services, such as hardware abstraction, low-level device control, implementation of common function, inter process message and data packet management. ROS is based on a graph architecture, so that process of different nodes can receive, and aggregate various information (such as sensing, control, status, planning, etc.) Currently ROS mainly support UBUNTU.

Development Preparation

Hardware preparation

Use example environment description.

Hardware connection and preparation


Figure 3.4 CAN connection diagram

ROS installation and environment setting