$\color{white}\colorbox{FE9227}{Approaching a well-rounded comprehension of the subject matter!}$

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The Robot State Publisher is the node that translates the information defined in your urdf and xacro files and publishes those joints and links to the tf2 tree. The robot_state_publisher creates a topic, in the namespace of the robot, called /robot_description which can be subscribed to to retrieve information about the robot.

Table of Contents

<aside> ⚠️ The robot state publisher is only able to publish the tf2 transforms of fixed joints. To publish the joint_states for moving joints you will need to add controller plugins.


1. Input Arguments

In order for the Robot State Publisher to publish information about your robot to it’s published topics, it first needs to receive an input argument describing your robot. The input argument in this case, populated in the parameters field of the launch file, is the full XML of your robot urdf.

To pass this description parameter to the Node, use the following syntax:

parameters=[{"robot_description" : robot_urdf}]

2. Published Topics

The Robot State Publisher has three published topics.

3. Subscribed Topics

joint_states (sensor_msgs/msg/JointState) - The joint state updates the robot poses. The RobotStatePublisher class takes these updates, do transformations (such as mimic joints), and then publish the results on the tf2 topics.

4. Parameters