The Mycobot robotic arm is optional, the standard Limo Pro does not come with a robotic arm

The Mycobot robotic arm has two control modes. Firstly, it can be controlled by directly calling the API interface and assigning six joint angles to the robotic arm. This allows users to specify the motion trajectory and posture of the robotic arm, enabling precise control of its movements. Secondly, Mycobot also supports control using MoveIt. Users can set a target point, and MoveIt will calculate the six joint angles and send them to the robotic arm. This mode is more flexible and can achieve more complex motion planning and control through the setting of target points, making it adaptable to different work scenarios and requirements. Whether it is by directly calling the API interface or using MoveIt, Mycobot can provide efficient and accurate robotic arm control to meet user needs in different scenarios.

Start the robotic arm. If you see the interface below, please configure the robotic arm communication. Choose'Transponder', click 'ok'.

Then choose 'USB UART' and click ok.

Finally, 'Atom: ok' shows successful configuration.通讯模式3.png

10.1 Use the slider to control the simulated robotic arm (optional)

Note: Make sure the robotic arm is connected before starting

Start the slider control node. Open a new terminal, and enter the command in the terminal:

roslaunch mycobot_280 slider_control.launch port:=/dev/ttyACM0 baud:=115200

Control the movement of the robotic arm by dragging the slider.

10.2 Use slider to control real robotic arm (optional)

Note: Since the robot arm will move to the current position of the model when the command is entered, before you use the command, please make sure that the model in rviz does not appear to be through the mold. Do not quickly drag the slider after connecting the robot arm. Prevent damage to the robotic arm.

Note: Make sure the robotic arm is connected before starting

Start the slider control node. Open a new terminal, and enter the command in the terminal:

roslaunch mycobot_280 slider_control.launch

Start the real robotic arm.

rosrun mycobot_280 _port:=/dev/ttyACM0 _baud:=115200

10.3 The model following the real robotic arm (optional)