By offering these customization options within the "Settings" page, "InDro Controller" aims to provide users with a personalized and user-friendly experience, enhancing usability and accessibility across diverse user demographics and preferences.

In the "Settings" page of the "InDro Controller," you have access to a range of customization options to tailor your experience according to your preferences and needs.


Under the "General" section, you'll find several key settings:

  1. Color Scheme: Choose between "Light Mode" and "Dark Mode" to personalize the appearance of the interface. Light Mode offers a bright and vibrant layout, while Dark Mode provides a sleek and subdued aesthetic, ideal for low-light environments or reducing eye strain.
  2. Time Zone: Select your local time zone to ensure accurate timestamps and scheduling within the application. For example, if you're located in Eastern Standard Time, you can specify this setting to align events and notifications with your local time.
  3. Language: Customize the language of the web application to suit your linguistic preferences. Currently, you have the option to choose from three languages: English, French, and Spanish. Selecting your preferred language will dynamically translate the interface elements, menus, and prompts accordingly, ensuring seamless navigation and understanding of the application's features and functionalities.

Home Page: InDro Controller (New)