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Welcome to the world of parameter configuration for the navigation package! In this informative guide, we will delve into the intricate details of configuring parameters to optimize the performance and behavior of LIMO's navigation system. By fine-tuning these parameters, you will unlock the full potential of LIMO's autonomous navigation capabilities, ensuring smooth and efficient movement in diverse environments. From adjusting costmap parameters to defining recovery behaviors, this exploration will equip you with the knowledge and tools needed to customize LIMO's navigation package to suit specific scenarios and challenges. If you need to try to debug the parameters in the package yourself, you can refer to the following list.

Table of Contents

Configurable parameters in the gmapping package

Configurable parameters in the amcl package

Configurable parameters in DWA

Configurable parameters in TEB

<aside> 🎉 Congratulations on completing the parameter configuration guide for the navigation package! You have taken an important step towards mastering the intricacies of LIMO's navigation system. So, take pride in your accomplishment.


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