I've got some awesome news to share with you. There's a new robot in town, and its name is Limo! This incredible robot, distributed by InDro Robotics, is here to make your life easier and more exciting. Limo is not just your regular robot; it's a smart, friendly, and helpful companion. It can assist you with various tasks, like helping you navigate around campus. Limo is equipped with advanced sensors and AI technology, allowing it to understand your commands and adapt to your needs. Plus, it has a sleek and futuristic design that's sure to turn heads. So, if you're looking for a cool and practical robot buddy, look no further than Limo. Check out our start guide for LIMO!


Visit InDro Robotics for more information on LIMO

Before getting LIMO

Before you get your hands on LIMO, make sure to check out About LIMO and Gazebo simulation. Here's the best part: LIMO can be simulated in a software called Gazebo. This means you can test and program LIMO's behavior virtually before bringing it into the real world. It's a great way to experiment and learn about the robot's capabilities. So, before you get LIMO, take some time to explore the Gazebo simulation and get familiar with all the amazing things LIMO can do and know more about LIMO. Happy exploring!

About Limo

Gazebo Simulation

After getting LIMO

Welcome to the exciting world of LIMO! Congratulations on acquiring this cutting-edge robot distributed by InDro Robotics. Now that you have LIMO by your side, get ready to unlock a whole new realm of possibilities. The below steps are dedicated to guiding you through the incredible experiences and opportunities that come after getting LIMO. From exploring its advanced features to discovering its capabilities, you're about to embark on a remarkable journey of robotics and innovation. Whether you're a tech enthusiast, a curious learner, or an aspiring roboticist, LIMO offers endless potential for growth and exploration. So, fasten your seat-belt, charge up LIMO's batteries, and let's dive into the exciting world of possibilities that awaits you after getting LIMO!

<aside> 💡 Attention to all LIMO users, LIMO comes with this default username and password! LIMO Username: agilex LIMO login password: agx


Getting Started

Mobile App Instruction


Connect to Limo


SLAM - with GMapping

Autonomous moving & obstacles avoidance

Object Detecting with LIMO

Simulation Table

Re-burn Limo

Parameter Configuration of Navigation Package

Test your Knowledge