1. HUNTER SE is started up correctly, but why cannot the RC transmitter control the vehicle body to move?

    First, check whether the drive power supply is in normal condition, whether the drive power switch is pressed down and whether E-stop switches are released; then, check whether the control mode selected with the top left mode selection switch on the RC transmitter is correct.

  2. HUNTER SE remote control is in normal condition, and the information about chassis status and movement can be received correctly, but when the control frame protocol is issued, why cannot the vehicle body control mode be switched, and the chassis respond to the control frame protocol?

    Normally, if HUNTER SE can be controlled by a RC transmitter, it means the chassis movement is under proper control; if the chassis feedback frame can be accepted, it means CAN extension link is in normal condition. Please check the CAN control frame sent to see whether the data check is correct and whether the control mode is in command control mode.

  3. HUNTER SE gives a "beep-beep-beep..."sound in operation; how to deal with this problem?

    If HUNTER SE gives this "beep-beep-beep" sound continuously, it means the battery is in the alarm voltage state. Please charge the battery intime.

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