The Hunter SE is a versatile robotic platform designed for exploration and research. With its durable chassis and powerful motors, the Hunter SE can effortlessly navigate different terrains, including grass, gravel, and rough surfaces. Equipped with sensors, it can detect obstacles and avoid collisions, ensuring safe operation. What sets the Hunter SE apart is its modular design, allowing students to customize and add components and sensors for their specific projects. Operating the robot is intuitive through a user-friendly interface, accessible via a computer or mobile device. The interface provides control over the robot's movements and offers feedback on its status and sensor readings.


Visit InDro Robotics for more information on the Hunter-SE Robot.

Before getting Hunter-SE

Before you get your hands on Hunter-SE, make sure to check out About Hunter-SE and Gazebo simulation. Here's the best part: Hunter-SE can be simulated in a software called Gazebo. This means you can test and program Hunter-SE's behavior virtually before bringing it into the real world. It's a great way to experiment and learn about the robot's capabilities. So, before you get Hunter-SE, take some time to explore the Gazebo simulation and get familiar with all the amazing things Hunter-SE can do and know more about Hunter-SE. Happy exploring!

About Hunter-SE

Gazebo Simulation

After getting Hunter-SE

Welcome to the exciting world of Hunter-SE! Congratulations on acquiring this cutting-edge robot distributed by InDro Robotics. Now that you have Hunter-SE by your side, get ready to unlock a whole new realm of possibilities. The below steps are dedicated to guiding you through the incredible experiences and opportunities that come after getting Hunter-SE. From exploring its advanced features to discovering its capabilities, you're about to embark on a remarkable journey of robotics and innovation. Whether you're a tech enthusiast, a curious learner, or an aspiring roboticist, Hunter-SE offers endless potential for growth and exploration. So, fasten your seat-belt, charge up Hunter-SE's batteries, and let's dive into the exciting world of possibilities that awaits you after getting Hunter-SE!

Safety Information!

HUNTER SE Introduction

The Basics

Getting Started


ROS Package use example


Product Dimensions