SLAM - with GMapping

What is GMapping ? | Theory | ROS | Example | Robotics Concepts

Mapping in ROS is very easy with GMapping, which refers to the process of creating a map of an environment using a robot equipped with sensors. The GMapping package in ROS provides a way to create a 2D occupancy grid map, which can be used for navigation or localization. Mapping an environment is useful in various scenarios, such as for autonomous robots, search and rescue operations, and indoor navigation.

GMapping is a way for a robot to create a map of the world around it while it moves. It works by using a special device called a laser scanner that shoots out a laser beam and measures how long it takes to bounce back. By doing this, the robot can figure out how far away objects are and where they are located in relation to the robot.

GMapping takes all of this data from the laser scanner and uses it to create a 2D map of the world. It's like drawing a picture of the world, but instead of using a pencil and paper, the robot uses its laser scanner and a computer program.

Once the robot has created a map of the world, it can use that map to navigate around without running into anything. It's like a treasure map for the robot! It knows where everything is and can avoid running into walls, furniture, and other objects.

Overall, GMapping is a really cool tool that helps robots understand the world around them and move around safely without getting stuck or running into things.