$\color{white}\colorbox{FE9227}{You're in the Home Stretch! Keep the Momentum Going!}$ ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓░░░░░░░░ 70%

move_base is a tool that helps a robot move around on its own. It can help the robot go from one place to another without a human controlling it. It uses a special map of the environment to figure out where it is and where it needs to go. It can also avoid obstacles that might be in its way.

One reason to use move_base is that it can help robots do tasks that might be dangerous or difficult for humans to do. For example, it can help a robot navigate through a disaster area to look for people who might need help. It can also help robots move around in factories to do jobs that might be too boring or repetitive for humans to do.

Overall, move_base is a helpful tool that can help robots move around on their own and do tasks that might be too difficult or dangerous for humans to do.

What is ROS “move_base”?

Overview Video



<aside> 📒 Make sure LIMO is ON


<aside> 💡 Click on orange text to know about commands


  1. Start the LIMO.

  2. Open a new terminal, and SSH into LIMO Connect to Limo

  3. Copy this roslaunch command and paste it into terminal: roslaunch

    roslaunch limo_bringup limo_start.launch pub_odom_tf:=false
  4. Open a new terminal, and SSH into LIMO

  5. Open limo_navigation_diff.launch file with your favourite file editor. I am using vim here: vim

    <aside> 📒 Open diff file only when your LIMO is in differential mode If your limo is in Ackermann motion open limo_navigation_ackerman.launch instead

    For Ackermann mode: cd agilex_ws/src/limo_ros/limo_bringup/launch vim limo_navigation_ackerman.launch


cd agilex_ws/src/limo_ros/limo_bringup/launch
vim limo_navigation_diff.launch
  1. Change the args for the map_server node to the file path of the map you wish to load. In the image below, this can be changed on line 19.