[Simulate - roslaunch](https://indrorobotics.notion.site/Simulate-roslaunch-c197a906ff244351b68b3515166b342e)

[To start the node for tele-op, follow below commands: roslaunch](https://indrorobotics.notion.site/To-start-the-node-for-tele-op-follow-below-commands-roslaunch-7468396ea6234d27bab6cfc5f85e99f0)

[Launch bringup file and start file for LIMO using below command: roslaunch](https://indrorobotics.notion.site/Launch-bringup-file-and-start-file-for-LIMO-using-below-command-roslaunch-33b3c28c44ed407d8ed6a411fa24829e)

[Copy this roslaunch command and paste it into terminal: roslaunch](https://indrorobotics.notion.site/Copy-this-roslaunch-command-and-paste-it-into-terminal-roslaunch-e3b703c774dd4cbaaeaa15579e302a82)

roslaunch is a command-line tool in ROS (Robot Operating System) that is used to launch one or more ROS nodes and configure their parameters. Here's what roslaunch does:

roslaunch is used to launch one or more ROS nodes with a specific configuration, including node parameters, remapping, and other settings.

A launch file is an XML file that describes the nodes to be launched and their configuration. The launch file can specify the package, node name, node type, node parameters, and other settings.

roslaunch reads the launch file and starts the nodes with the specified configuration. It also sets up the ROS environment and any required parameters or remapping.

roslaunch is commonly used to launch multiple nodes at once, which can simplify the process of starting a complex ROS system.

Here are some additional details about roslaunch:

roslaunch is typically used from the command line, although it can also be used programmatically from within a Python script.

Launch files can include other launch files, which allows for modular and reusable launch configurations.

roslaunch provides many useful command-line options, such as specifying a different ROS master URI, setting log levels, and printing debug information.

roslaunch is a powerful tool that can simplify the process of starting and configuring ROS nodes, especially for complex systems.

Overall, roslaunch is a command-line tool in ROS that is used to launch one or more ROS nodes with a specific configuration. It uses XML launch files to describe the nodes and their configuration, and can be used to launch multiple nodes at once. roslaunch is a powerful tool that simplifies the process of starting and configuring ROS nodes.