[Open limo_navigation_diff.launch file with your favourite file editor. I am using vim here: vim ](https://indrorobotics.notion.site/Open-limo_navigation_diff-launch-file-with-your-favourite-file-editor-I-am-using-vim-here-vim-6a2464ef1a2f43f6a0b97109a176bc4c)
vim limo_navigation_diff.launch
is not related to SharePoint navigation. It is a command that is used in the context of ROS (Robot Operating System) in order to open a launch file called limo_navigation_diff.launch
in the Vim text editor.
ROS is a popular framework for building robotic systems. A launch file is an XML file that specifies the parameters and nodes to be launched. The limo_navigation_diff.launch
file is likely related to the navigation of a differential drive robot,
which is a type of robot that has two wheels that can be controlled
Vim is a text editor that is commonly used in the command
line interface of Unix-based systems. By opening the launch file in
Vim, the user can edit the file and make changes to the parameters and
nodes that are launched when the file is executed.