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Welcome to the world of object detection with LIMO! In this page, we will explore how LIMO, the autonomous robot platform, can detect objects in its surroundings. Object detection is an essential skill for robots as it helps them understand and interact with the world. We will learn about the sensors LIMO uses, like lidar and RGB cameras, to gather information about the environment. By analyzing this data and using smart algorithms, LIMO can identify and classify objects. We will also discover how LIMO integrates object detection frameworks like YOLO, making it even more powerful. Let's dive in and uncover the fascinating world of object detection with LIMO!

For better understanding visit below page

What is YOLO?

Overview Video


Lets YOLO with LIMO

<aside> 📒 Make sure LIMO is ON and Camera is dust free.


  1. Open a terminal and SSH into LIMO Connect to Limo

  2. Copy the below roslaunch command and paste it into terminal.

    roslaunch astra_camera dabai_u3.launch
  3. Open a new tab in the terminal and again SSH into LIMO.

  4. Launch yolo_v3 by entering the below command:

roslaunch darknet_ros  yolo_v3_tiny.launch
  1. You will see YOLO screen, now place various objects in front of LIMO camera
  2. LIMO will detect objects!

<aside> 🎉 Congratulations on completing the journey of object detection with LIMO! You have gained valuable insights into how LIMO utilizes advanced sensors and intelligent algorithms to detect and classify objects in its environment. By understanding the capabilities and integration of frameworks like YOLO, you now have the knowledge to enhance LIMO's object detection capabilities.


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