$\color{white}\colorbox{FE9227}{Halfway There! Keep Pushing, Success Awaits!}$ ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ 50%

Table of Contents

Tele-op, short for tele-operation, is the automation of a vehicle or machine by remote control. It allows a person to control a machine from a distance, eliminating the need for direct human intervention in potentially dangerous or difficult situations. For more information on how tele-op works visit below page:

How tele-op works?

<aside> 📒 Make sure Limo is ON


<aside> ⛔ Remember to practice caution and be mindful of your surroundings while operating LIMO via tele-op to ensure a safe and enjoyable remote control experience.


Overview Video


Start the node for tele-op

<aside> 📒 Click on orange text to know about commands.


<aside> ⛔ tele-operation performs continuous command. Make sure to perform in safe environment. Press Ctrl +C to kill the process.


To operate LIMO using tele-op, follow these steps:

  1. Ensure that LIMO is powered on and connected to a stable network.

  2. SSH into LIMO (Visit previous step to Connect to Limo)

  3. Take into account any safety considerations and obstacles in LIMO's environment while operating it remotely.

  4. To start the node for tele-op, follow below commands: roslaunch

    roslaunch limo_bringup limo_start.launch

    <aside> ⛔ To kill the process, press Ctrl + c.


    <aside> ⛔ TO stop LIMO, press Keyboard key is “k”


    Open another tab of the terminal, SSH to LIMO and paste this below command: roslaunch

    roslaunch limo_bringup limo_teletop_keyboard.launch
  5. Adjust the speed settings as needed to match your desired movement pace.

  6. Enjoy the experience of controlling LIMO from a distance and explore its capabilities with the convenience of tele-op.